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Monday, February 3, 2014

Silver Creek Falls - January

Well it's January again and our first tent camping trip of the winter season.  Although I  enjoy camping year round, I have to admit that this trip is always the hardest for me to get psyched up for.   There is no where in Oregon that is warm on an average January weekend, it's just a fact.  Also, no matter how many blankets you bring I always find myself staring longingly at the cozy motor homes and trailers around us as the cold air gathers around me and the frost creeps up my toes.  I sit closer and closer to the fire, and try as I might as I look on at my tent I can't fool myself into thinking it's going to be "so cozy" when I go in there - before getting settled in my sleeping bag anyway.
      You might be asking yourself why then do we continue to do this,  why not always stay in a yurt or get an RV or better yet, just camp when it's  warm outside but I'll tell you why.  It's because when we camp in difficult circumstances I learn to appreciate things more than I would any other way.  I appreciate the sun coming out and warming my face in the morning, even while frost still covers the ground.   I apreciate the power of a warm fire and the joy of conversation around it.  If I were in a yurt or RV I would spend most of my time inside at night and miss so much that happens only around a campfire, it's just true. This weekend however, while tent camping I spent hours around the campfire laughing and enjoying my family as Mikaiah taught me how to play hide and go seek around the fire, without moving more than 5 or so feet and then "hiding" in the tent awning...with her headlamp on.   She brings me so much joy as she takes in everything around her and enjoys spending time with us around the fire.   In the summer I usually put her to bed before it gets dark, and miss out on this special time spent with her.  When our next trip comes and we're cozy warm in our Yurt I won't take it for granted as I normally might have, I even enjoy my own bed at home more after trips like this.  Seth and I both feel that these experiences are more than just "good" for us and out children, we feel they are essential.  Our reactions to the situations we are in teach our children how they should act, something I have to remember when it's less than comfortable around me.
       When we finally went to bed the tent was relatively warm due to the tent heater we were using, but as the temperature dropped and the heater ran out of propane it got really cold.  Slowly both our children joined us in our bed, pushing Seth and I out onto the edges.  At six AM when I was once again awaken by Sequoia who was hungry and cold, I had had enough.  I picked her up and groggily carried her into the heated bathroom. (When camping in Winter it's a huge plus to find a campground such as Silver Creek Falls or Beverly Beach with a heated bathroom - it's wonderful!) I have to admit, I was not at this moment thinking "I'm so glad I'm teaching my girls to have a good attitude no matter the situation" I was just cold and tired.  As Sequoia ate and we both thawed out in the bathroom I made a plan.  Maybe we both couldn't go to sleep in a nice cozy bed, but we could be warm.  So, while leaving Seth and Mikaiah cozy in our bed I grabbed the keys and got into the car for an early morning trip into Silverton.  Thank you Lord for leather heated seats!  It's amazing how much better you can feel after getting warm and drinking a mocha!  I came back around 8:30 am to find my husband building a fire and energized by warmth and caffeine and the sugar from a fresh baked donut, I had an amazing morning.  Enjoying a lovely walk in a frost covered wonderland with my two little girls as my husband packed up our things.  Perspective is an amazing thing!